08 November 2005


There is no doubt that the so-called "terror plot" is a fake government psychological operation (psy-op) intended to keep the population scared and in line and conveniently "justify" the government's latest anti-freedom laws and their attempt to create a Police State. There are already many question marks, contradictions and conflicting statements. The problem is, the media has jumped onto the bandwagon to hype the "immediacy" of the apparent "threat" and is therefore acting in its usual role of government cheerleader and propagandist - rather than act as an objective observer and ask important questions.

An early indication that this affair is a government plot is the attempt by Federal Police commissioner Mick Keelty to suppress the details of the allegations against the group detained. The "details" will reveal the affair is either a fake government plot or at the very least, trumped up charges against some patsies and fall-guys. Some other points to consider:

  • The group was under surveillance for "years" - why the urgency now?
  • No details of the allegations have been released.
  • The "threat" was as usual "unspecific" with no details of targets or actual plans - but it still "vindicates" the government's urgency to pass new laws. This also raises questions about the media's hype that speaks of a "terrorist attack" being "foiled".
  • The whole affair coincidentally diverts attention away from controversial Industrial Relations changes and charges of corruption over a suspect government printing contract.
  • Surely existing laws could have dealt with this issue. Why do we need a brutal and oppressive dictatorial Police State with "shoot-to-kill" powers to deal with a criminal matter? These people could have been arrested before all the anti-freedom measures were passed. They could have been kept under surveillance for longer until they became more of a "threat" (assuming for a moment the plot is real).

Even if (and that's a huge if) this "terror plot" is real, it would not be happening at all if John Howard hadn't prostituted Australia to join America's illegal wars of terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq. If we stop taking terrorism to innocent Muslims, they will stop trying to bring terrorism here.

It is this Western imperialism, invading Muslim countries and interfering in their affairs that is causing Muslims and people in the Third World to fight back in the first place! Until America and the West leave them alone and stops taking violence (the "ok" B52, Stealth bomber, laser-guided bomb version) to their streets - they'll keep bringing violence to our streets (the "evil" suicide and car bomb version).


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